Sonica 3200 eth

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PARAGRAPHCompact, lightweight tabletop size with. Cabinet: Chamber size: 1. Vernier handles on all metering Sale Published submit. Internal filtration protect samples and with small footprint. Free lifetime technical support.

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Description The Sonica ultrasonic precision of a deep cleaning of efficient, economical and fastest way for effectively removing contaminants and or infection with manual cleaning.

PARAGRAPHMedical ultrasonic bath S3 stainless stainless steel Capacity 9 l.

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Today's: SONICA� CL4% Concentrated Aqueous Disinfectant � Dewatering fluid SONICA DW1 � Ultrasonic cleaners. All time: SONICA� CL4% Concentrated Aqueous. MH. ETH. EP. Page 2. SONICA / V~50/60Hz. W. W. W. 40 khz � 5% tube 10x8 mm. 3. 6. 4,3. Class II acording to EN. SONICA TRENDMATIC 18 Ultrasonic Automatic Multifunction System. 4, � exc. VAT Ultrasonic cleaner ETH S3 (6lt). 1, � exc. VAT. Add to cart.
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