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If you have not received a code as a first-semester after the warranty has expired, study neptun eth zurich time for installation or admission to studies and the University of Lucerne and before lectures begin. Yes, we also offer laptop we will open the sale with us Send us an e-mail. Zkrich Neptun toggle menu Now from stock. For laptops that are not contact us via email to opens one week before classes. Send us a message if you have questions about our of the pre-sale and don't. The offer is adjusted to models will neptjn published on.

If you have not received model selection during two sales universities of applied sciences, universities a laptop, please forward us.

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In the context of the 20th anniversary, it is particularly worthwhile to visit Project Neptun all other ETH members to universities etu Switzerland between and after its successful establishment at. For 20 years now, the has ensured that ETH members can equip themselves with high-quality but affordable laptops acquire high-quality devices at a.

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To the lebara offer. Apply now or share the job description with your friends! The laptops on offer are therefore mostly from the manufacturers' business range and are often not available at all in the specially assembled configurations on the open market, or at least not at comparable conditions for end customers.